IMSS entry testing will be held towards the end of this term and children will be asked to indicate if they are interested in a place in the program at that time.
At Churchlands Primary we are offered the following instruments from IMSS at different year levels
- Violin/Viola; year 3
- Cello commences; year 4
- Flute, Clarinet, Double Bass and Brass (Trumpet, Baritone and Trombone); year 5
There are a number of factors pertaining to selection into the Gifted and Talented IMSS Program.
- Deemed suitable by current teachers in consultation with Mr Howesmith and other staff
- Deemed suitable by the IMSS teachers from the short-listed students
- NOT already learning the same instrument selected privately
- Excellence in the musical aptitude (MAI) test
- A high level of parental support
Children entering into the program are expected to continue throughout their primary education and may not swap instruments or discontinue learning. They may not learn the same instrument privately either, as this adversely affects both teacher and pupil.
Here is a great short video you can watch to see the benefits of learning an instrument
More information is available at the Instrumental Music School Services website
Google IMSS or follow the link
Michael Howesmith Email:
Music Specialist
18 August 2023