With boundless joy, I welcomed my beautiful artists to the Art Studio for 2023. Happily, everyone enthusiastically started sharing ideas, creating, and sparking their imaginations. Busy minds and some messy hands were creating art. I have the best job.
The new 2023 Art Sparkz drew the Art Raffle and organised prizes for the winners to claim. During art, students can receive Art raffle tickets, as well as Dojo points. The tickets are placed in their faction’s box. Every Thursday, during lunch the Art Sparkz draw out three winners from each House faction box to announce over the PA. The names go back into the boxes for future raffle draws. Students can get many raffle tickets during a lesson. The prizes are small, fun gifts, with the joy of having your name drawn out.
Thank you for supplying your children with an old shirt or art smock to protect their uniforms. Unfortunately, the dyes that colour our water-based paints can leave marks that are stubborn to remove. From my experience, it is best to wash stains with Wonder soap or spray with a Stain Remover and wash with cold water. If the stain is kept damp during the day, it can clear up more easily, but this is sometimes difficult during a school day. If it is possible, I do attempt to clean spills on uniforms immediately. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thank you for sending in your children’s art folder. I keep these in the art room and plan to send them home with precious cargo at the end of each semester.
The first assembly displayed art from Room 16, year 3. With a flourish of orange, gold and red The Year of the Rabbit compositions welcomed us back to school, symbolising longevity, peace, and prosperity.
The 19th Annual ‘Sculpture by The Sea’ at Cottesloe Beach will be held from 3-20 March. Please be available to visit this free, outstandingly beautiful, and unique international art exhibition. Every year it delivers many surprises, challenging our thoughts, making us think and even laugh. Take photos to our Sculpture Awe-wall. Please check out more details on the website. https://sculpturebythesea.com/cottesloe/
On 3 March, the lucky year 4 students will be attending this event and working with exhibiting sculptors to create individual artwork. This is an extremely exciting experience for the year four students who will represent our school.
On Thursday 30 March we are holding our Sculpture by the School exhibition within the school grounds. More information will be given closer to the date. During art class, we will be building our own sculptures, but we need donations. Please bring any of the following items to the art room.
Plastic cool drink and water bottles, Styrofoam, Plastic lids, newspaper, any metallic stuff like pull can openers, random screws, bolts, old useless keys, hinges, nails, clamps, trinket bits, springs, washers, chains, hooks, bottle caps and unimportant things that are interesting shapes or textures. What else can you offer?
Thank you for your support,
Melinda Cockerill (melinda.cockerill@education.wa.edu.au)
Art Teacher