On Wednesday 15 June, 44 Churchlands Primary School students set off to compete in our annual Interschool Cross Country, down at City Beach Football Oval. With expected showers forecast for the day, our runners were prepared for some wet weather running. Lucky for us the sun was shining for most of the day and we avoided getting wet.
For our year 3 students, this was their first taste of Interschool competition, and wow they were outstanding as they took on their 1km course. It was great to see how much resilience the Churchlands kids showed throughout the day, especially with the change in distances from previous years. Our year 4 students had to tackle a tough 2km course, and our year 5 and 6 students took on a challenging 2.5km course.
Congratulations to all our runners who represented Churchlands Primary School, with such pride and passion on and off the running course.
A special mention must go to one of our school leaders, Lachie B, who stopped mid-race to help another runner from another school, who was struggling with asthma. Thank you Lachie for showing great kindness and outstanding sportsmanship and leadership.
Next up for our sports team is the Athletics Carnival in term 3. So make sure you get training, and always remember to “Be Awesome”