Crosswalk Attendant Flyer

Good morning everyone, A huge thank you to the students who entered our Crosswalk Attendant Flyer competition! Congratulations go to Alex in Room 5, Abigail in Room 3 and Zadie, also in Room 5. Out of a great bunch of designs, these were chosen for their creativity, attention to detail, and clarity. Well done! HELP REQUIRED! If you would like to assist in delivering these flyers to your street over the holidays, your help would be appreciated. To register your interest, please complete the attached eform indicating your street and how many flyers you will need. Apologies for the timing, however it would be great if you could notify your interest by lunch tomorrow so flyers can be printed and picked up from the office at the end of school. If you have any queries, please email me at

Luke Johnson

Deputy Principal

Register to deliver our flyer to your street here