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Edudance Gallery

Edudance Gallery

Congratulations to all the students who participated in Edudance this year. Again, the final concerts where a hit, with massive community turn-out, providing so much energetic support for our dancing superstars! Huge thank you to Bree and Sarah from Edudance for their...

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CHUMT Show Gallery

CHUMT Show Gallery

Check out all the action and entertainment from this year's CHUMT show! Congratulations to the finalists who performed this morning! Everyone was brilliant! [gallery...

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PE News – Term 2 Week 11

PE News – Term 2 Week 11

Interschool Cross Country   As you may know on Wednesday, it was the Interschool Cross Country. We had 12 kids from each year to represent Churchlands Primary School, 6 boys and 6 girls.  It was a great day, and every kid I saw had a smile, no matter what was...

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EALD / ESL News 

EALD / ESL News 

EALD / ESL News   (English as an Additional Language / Dialect)   (English as a Second Language)  It’s the end of another term and a fantastic opportunity to reflect on progress. Students have grown their confidence and their skills. They have built on their range of...

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The Resilience Project – Free Online Workshops For Parents

The Resilience Project – Free Online Workshops For Parents

Throughout Term 3, The Triple P and Child and Parent Centre teams are offering a fantastic series of free online workshops for families. Facilitated by School Psychologist consultants, The Triple P- Positive Parenting Program gives parents and carers ideas and...

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Chaplain’s Chat – Gratitude

Chaplain’s Chat – Gratitude

In this post I’m reflecting on Gratitude; the fourth and final focus of The Resilience project. Gratitude is the practice of being thankful for and focusing on what we have in our lives, not what we don’t. The benefits of gratitude and simple ways to practice it were...

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CPS Free Dress Day!

CPS Free Dress Day!

Today, the students and staff of Churchlands Primary School have been wearing their favourite clothes, raising money to support a worthy cause and enjoying a free dress day. We are proud to share that we have raised $566. This is our 5th year supporting the Solar...

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