What’s Happening in the Art Studio – Term 2 Week 3

Churchland Primary School’s Sculpture by the School

Yesterday was a great day celebrating our young artists and their creative ideas presented in various 3D art forms. It is so exciting to see the students’ representations using a wide variety of materials, with extensive experimentation and originality. Working in the third dimension is challenging for many, but everybody stepped up to enjoy their own and others’ success. Thank you to all the staff for your overwhelming support for Visual Arts. Events that showcase our student’s skill and divergent thinking are always inspired, and a joy. Congratulations to the winner of the Sculpture competition Ocea Young with her interactive piece entitled Life’s Journey.

Mr O’Mara’s Corona Crab offered plenty of discussion and Mr Johnson’s Apple Eyes peered out of the trees all day keeping an eye on the day’s activities. Competition was very close. Please enjoy theses photo from the day.

The Visual Art leadership team proudly wore their Art Sparks aprons with the 2024 Art Team official sticker designed by Team member Starlin Hall. I would like to thank them for their tireless assistance in organising the day and enriching the art programme with enthusiasm and energy. It is a joy working with such wonderful, helpful people.

Here are the lucky winners from the raffle this week.

Thank you.

Melinda Cockerill
