EALD News – Term 2 Week 5

EALD News  

Term 2 Week 5 2024 

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.”  

~Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 

In a previous EALD newsletter article, I spoke of the benefits of reading every day with your child and talking to them about the stories they are reading. I would like to continue promoting this strategy and share with you an article that discusses the importance of reading with your child, even beyond when they can read independently.  


While as parents we are proud when our child can read independently, it is highly beneficial to continue with shared reading time. The positives are: 

-enriched language exposure and literacy skills 

-improved reading comprehension and vocabulary 

-increased confidence for reading aloud in the classroom 

-opportunities to foster positive attitudes towards reading and lifelong learning 

-connection and engagement between parent and child 

The article is mindful to note that experiences are not enjoyable or positive when parents are distracted or critical, or reading is outsourced to an older sibling. If you need some gentle encouragement or inspiration to increase shared reading time with your child, you may like to change the location… Instead of a desk, how about on the couch together or grab a cushion and sit under the table like it is a cubby! Other ideas are to go outside into your yard or veranda, a local park, a café or find a space or nook at your local library. Why not set aside an hour to visit the library with your child, browse the books, choose one to start reading a few pages together and then take it home to continue over the next week or so. Another positive is that borrowing books from the library is free! While reading aloud together may not happen every night, remember each time you do, you are expanding your child’s world and supporting their reading skills, plus lifting their enjoyment for reading.  

 Happy reading! 

Sasha Key  

(Mondays and Tuesdays)