Sustainability News – Term 2 Week 9

A huge thank you to Gemma Taylor for re homing three of the chickens to a farm. Unfortunately, they were roosters, and we are not allowed to keep roosters in the metropolitan area. We are down to three chickens. Gemma does a lot of behind the scenes work for our sustainability program and it is very much appreciated.  

A big thank you to Woolworths for accepting my grant application for $1000.00 to make a bush tucker garden. The sustainability team is extremely excited that next term they will be part of this initiative, along with the assistance from Mr Jeremy Wood from Rotary Cambridge club.  

It is with great sadness that there will no longer be the annual tree planting camp at Quairading. The Rotary Club of Quairading has closed down and they were the club that coordinated the weekend for our students. This is the end of a 15 year Churchlands tradition. I am looking into other options for the sustainability year 5 students so watch this space. 

HELP is needed. Are you a graphic artist or do you enjoy design? I am looking for help to design our new signs for the ECO shed. I once again won a grant from the Waste sort schools program for $1500.00. This money will be spent on upgrading the interior signage in the eco shed. Any assistance will be appreciated so please email me at if you are interested in helping. 


Please make sure that you think about what packaging goes into your child’s lunchbox. We are a zero waste school and encourage NO PLASTIC, alfoil, or other non-recyclable materials in lunch boxes.  

Thank you for ongoing support from the community. 

Mrs Samsa Sustainability co Ordinator.