Library News – Term 3 Week 1

The Premier’s Reading Challenge 

It is tremendous to see how many Churchland PS families have registered and joined The Premiers Reading Challenge. Collectively the students have read an amazing 1337 books so far! What an outstanding effort. 

With 49 days of the challenge remaining, there is still plenty of time to join in the fun. This challenge is completed at home and is parent led, if you haven’t already done so, please get on board and visit to set up an account to join the reading challenge for your chance to win!  


Parent Resources 

We have been growing our parent resource collection this year, with many new titles added. As every family and child is unique, we have tried to compile a broad range of books that you may be interested in. The parenting shelf is located just inside the library door – please record your details in the folder provided if the library is unattended. 

Book Week 

This term has started with a buzz of anticipation, as students and teachers alike are looking forward to Book Week in week 6. The theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’. We are excited to dive into a world where words weave spells and stories enchant our hearts and minds. 

Reading opens doors to infinite worlds, where dragons soar across skies of imagination and heroes embark on epic quests. It allows us to travel through time, explore distant galaxies, and understand different cultures. The magic of reading lies in its ability to transport us beyond the confines of our everyday lives and connect us deeply with the human experience. 


Overdue Books 

Can all parents please support their children to remember to bring their library books to school this week. Students in years 1 to 6 can also borrow, return or renew their books Monday – Thursday at lunchtime, so they are not restricted to their class library session. Overdue notices will be issued in weeks 2 and 3.