Art News – Term 3 Week 1

What’s happening in the art studio?

Welcome back for term three

I hope everyone had a restful creative break

A holiday snapshot from me.

Step into a moment suspended in time and get lost in AGWA’s new immersive art experience. For the first time, acclaimed street artist Rome is exhibiting at The Art Gallery of Western Australia in the historical Centenary Galleries in a fully immersive ticketed public exhibition.

TIME *RONE is an immersive art exhibition that breathes life into a lost era of Australian history.


Curtin University Artist in Residence

Keep an eye out for artist in residence, Liv Crockford, from Curtain University, who will be working to create a mural outside the library and drama room. Next week she in joining room 12 and 13 to work with students brainstorming ideas. Reflecting on the 2024 Book Week theme Reading is magic she will create a magical, literature infused image for us all to enjoy. Liv is completing a Curtin Fine Arts Degree at the School of Media Creatives Arts and Social Enquiry so we will tap into her excellent art skills.



This week the Art Team provided an art opportunity for all interested students to pain and decorate leaves. Aboriginal art depicting leaves is rooted in the history of medicinal use of leaves in aboriginal culture.

This week’s Winners are grinners Raffle Winners


Many thanks

Melinda Cockerill