EALD News – Term 3 Week 7

Every year during term 3, Highgate Intensive English Centre (IEC) calls for referrals of Pre Primary students to attend Year One at their campus. Currently, parents of eligible students are being contacted for an initial brief discussion about this opportunity and whether they would like the school to proceed with a referral application. Intensive English Centres provide differentiated learning programs based on the WA Curriculum to support students to make further progress with their English language skills.  

Benefits of an IEC:

  • Specialised intensive English language teaching support and instruction to maximise students’ ability to access the mainstream curriculum. 
  • Smaller class sizes that support individualised learning with specialised teachers and support staff.  

Churchlands PS have had several students attend the IEC in the past and they have returned to our school in Year 2 with greater confidence and language skills. Entry back to CPS is guaranteed after exiting the IEC. Prospective parents are recommended to visit the IEC for an open day to gain further information about this opportunity should a referral be put forward.  

Any questions, please contact Jo Morgan or Sasha Key (EALD specialist Mondays and Tuesdays)