In term 2, 2017, the school opened its first ‘hands-on’ critical and creative thinking learning space. The CAPS sessions, held in the Library each Friday, have been hugely popular with students and provide them with opportunities to create, problem solve, question and explore using craft and building materials. The space was also open for students to use during lunchtimes. From the success of the CAPS learning space, a Junior Maker’s Space was also developed in the Junior Block, providing the opportunity for all Junior classes to embark on STEAM based problem solving classroom activities. In term 4, Junior classrooms also used the Junior space which includes digital creative tools as part of a regular ‘Digital Tech’ mornings. During these mornings students are encouraged to create digitally for the first half an hour of the day, before continuing with other curriculum areas.
In 2018, we are set to further develop these vital resources to continue to foster student’s natural interest to problem solve, create and explore!