Recently I listened to an interesting podcast on the power of storytelling. It spoke about how important it is to share stories, knowledge and culture, as well as entertaining others and creating an identity. Picture books partner visuals with the words to extend the experience and give a double impact of the story. Have a listen here:

We have an amazing collection of picture books in the Churchlands Primary School library. Remember you may borrow from the bilingual collection too. During the school holidays, you may like to borrow from the local library.

Consider these questions… Do you listen to your child read? Do you read to your child?  Do you pause to discuss the pictures, the characters and the storyline? Do you ask questions and encourage them to ask questions to you?

Storytelling with your child is an exceptionally valuable experience that empowers children and extends their vocabulary and comprehension skills! Never forget that you are your child’s storyteller and can always find a moment to share a story. Perhaps a few new books could be under your Christmas tree..? And if you don’t have a book, you can still tell a story!

As always, Happy reading! Happy talking! 

Sasha Key