Education Assistant (EA) Appreciation Week – 2nd September to 6th September 2024

Educational Assistants (EAs) are an invaluable part of the CPS puzzle. Their unwavering kindness, dedication to teamwork, and unique ability to connect with and support all students truly make them a valuable part of the CPS community. EAs enrich the learning environment, offering personalised support and ensuring that every child feels seen and valued. During EA Appreciation Week, we celebrate their incredible contributions and the positive impact they have on the lives of students and staff alike. Thank you, EAs, for being such a vital part of the CPS family. 

Next week, we’ll be celebrating our incredible EAs. We encourage the entire community to join us in showing their appreciation as well. 

Get to know some of our amazing EAs below… 

Miss Hunter  

What year level/rooms do you work with? 

I’m currently working with beautiful year 2’s in room 6.  

How long have you been at CPS? 

I started doing relief at CPS in 2019, so about 5 years  

What do you love about being an EA? 

I love that I can do the closest thing to being a teacher (which is what I’m currently studying to become). Working with kids has been my dream job since I was in primary school. I love being a big part of a child’s schooling experiences and making a difference in their lives.  

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

I play lots and lots of netball which requires a lot of my time during the week and on the weekends and if I’m not training or playing, I enjoy going to the gym and coffee catchups with friends. 


Miss Maples 

What year level/rooms do you work with?  

Room 10, Room 11, Room 1 and KINDY BLUE 

How long have you been at CPS? 

9 years 

What do you love about being an EA?  

I love working with the children and seeing that lightbulb moment as well as the smile when they’ve succeeded in something. 

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

I love cooking – spicy foods, beef jerky, ramen are my favourites! I also love dining out and trying new dishes. I do also love when I get the time to have a tea and play some computer games, though they are far and few between these days! 


Mrs Doney 

What year level/rooms do you work with? 

Years 1 and 2 . I also run the intervention MiniLit program 3 mornings a week with year 2 students.  

How long have you been at CPS? 

16 years 

What do you love about being an EA? 

The diversity of hats you wear throughout the day. There is never a dull moment. 

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

My favourite thing to do is to spend time with my children, grandchildren, friends and family. 


Mrs Taylor 

What year level/rooms do you work with? 

Year 2, Room 4 

How long have you been at CPS? 

8 years. 

What do you love about being an EA? 

I love how every day is different and seeing the kids grow in confidence and ability. 

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

I love the beach, walking and family time.  


Mrs Lund  

What year level/rooms do you work with? 


How long have you been at CPS? 

10 years 

What do you love about being an EA? 

Helping children develop at their own pace and watching them reach their potential.  

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

Cooking, reading a good book, movies and going on walks.  


Mrs Swan  

What year level/rooms do you work with? 


How long have you been at CPS? 

5 years 

What do you love about being an EA? 

I love seeing the enjoyment on our students faces when they walk into the classroom because learning is fun in Pre-Primary. It warms my heart when they say, ‘I love school!’ 

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

My absolute favourite thing to do is curl up on the couch with a good book. I also enjoy walking with friends and playing board games with my family.  


Ms Vogas

What year level/rooms do you work with? 

Currently working with senior students in years 5 and 6. 

How long have you been at CPS? 

17 fabulous years!! I Started when my youngest daughter attended pre-primary here. 

What do you love about being an EA? 

Things I have enjoyed about being an EA… I have had the opportunity to support many students and witness success and growth, apart from the students I support directly, but also with other students in the classroom.  

 It so fulfilling to witness the moment a concept suddenly makes sense and celebrating their achievements and confidence to develop new skills. 

Working in an environment that’s everchanging, there are times students teach me new skills and unique perspectives which enrich my own growth, these experiences keep me motivated and energised. 

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

I like baking, Pilates, shopping and taking summer pool classes.  

On the weekends, I enjoy catching up with friends and walking along our beautiful beaches soaking up sunshine. 


Mrs Skead

What year level/rooms do you work with? 

Room 16/Room 8 

How long have you been at CPS? 

10 years 

What do you love about being an EA? 

I love helping children to learn and watching them grow and reach their full potential! I also love working with passionate, supportive, amazing teachers! 

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

Walking, watching lots of sport, meeting friends, drinking coffee and reading! 


Ms M  

What year level/rooms do you work with? 

Year 1 and Pre-Primary 

How long have you been at CPS? 

2 years  

What do you love about being an EA? 

What I love is having the opportunity to create bonds with children and be part of their growth, while at the same time enjoying the variety of tasks I perform daily. 

What are your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing on the weekend? 

I love spending time with my son. We love to go camping, trekking, the skate park, the beach and cook together.