Happy Harmony Week! “The week runs from 15–21 March every year and encourages everyone to experience, explore and appreciate WA’s wealth of cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity.”
As a school, this is a great opportunity to acknowledge our diverse community and the rich benefits it brings. Orange was worn by students and staff on Tuesday 15 March to unite in harmony and signify social communication and meaningful conversations. It is also symbolic of the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.
In the spirit of Harmony Week, many of our EALD students collaborated on an incredible creative project. WA artist Fiona Bryce-Fasolo (@ Art Kids on the Hill) created the Harmony Flowers canvas which students then used paint pens to make the flowers bloom!! It symbolises that we are each unique and different, and together we grow, support each other and are stunning and incredible! The finished canvas will hang proudly in our school.
Classrooms and the library have also included many activities and curated a book collection to acknowledge Harmony Week. Students have watched film clips, completed cultural quizzes, shared their family stories, created bunting and craft projects, discussed why it’s important to celebrate our multicultural community. A huge thank you to everyone who supported Harmony Week at Churchlands PS to make it such a colourful, inclusive and positive week.
Best wishes,
Mrs Key
ESL/EALD Teacher