
Learning | Drama

So far in 2024 our Drama program has focused on building empathy for characters. In term one after completing a “spy School” unit of work, Year 6 reflected on the inner life of characters from the novels Holes and Hatchet culminating in monologues being performed. PP,1 and 2 students were exploring the point of view of story characters. Was Goldilocks an impulsive girl who needs to think before she acts or a young girl lost and afraid? Different endings were examined and then performed for this favourite story. Years 3,4,and 5 were concentrating on improvisation work. In so doing they learnt to listen and trust the other players in their groups. Collaboration is a key skill that is paramount in Drama classes.

Term Two is bringing the spotlight on to SUPERHEROES! All classes are examining the traits of superhero characters. How do we use the elements of Drama to create believable characters? Movement and Voice are the main elements students utilise. But further exploration of relationships, mood and space will enhance performances. There will even be Superhero skits performed during the fortnightly school assemblies. The second half of term two brings us to puppetry. We will be using sock puppets to practice out movement skills then moving onto hand puppets, devising short plays to perform to peers. There could well be some superhero puppets I’m sure! Year 5 classes will perform their plays to younger year groups at the end of term.

Term three is the big year 6 musical production that has been so well received over the past 7 years. The whole school enjoys the show in the last week of term. Yirra Yaakin perform to years 1-6 in August and Aboriginal stories will be a focus for most classes for a few weeks. The rest of the term, during drama classes, will be immersed in poetry for much of the term as a basis for exploring language and the emotions of characters. Choral speaking and reciting of poetry will be enjoyed by all and included in school assemblies.

In term Four year 3 and 4 classes perform short plays to the school community and parents. They will organise their costumes, props and sets and rehearse in small groups. Year 5 and 6 classes embark on some Theatresports sessions that bring much mirth to the participants but importantly employ their creative and critical thinking skills. Years -PP,1 and 2 continue to develop their skills through simple scripted works.