Latest News
French News – Term 1 Week 9
At French Club this term, the fabulous four French Captains have been busy working with students in Years 3-6 to make French Easter cards for the residents of Regis Aged Care in Woodlands. The residents were delighted with the Easter greetings and messages (in both...
Library News – Term 1 Week 9
We have had a wonderful time in the library celebrating Harmony Week and reading lots of fun stories in preparation for the Easter break. This term, students and staff alike have all been enjoying watching the live stream from the International Space Station as it...
Chaplain’s Chat – Term 1 Week 9
Last fortnight’s activity looked at Mindfulness. This fortnight I’d like to consider the yellow zone from the Zones of Regulation. When we are in the Yellow Zone, we have higher levels energy and stronger emotion, such as feeling excited, fidgety, anxious, or...
Cross Walk Safety – Pearson Street Crossing
With our school situated on an extremely busy road, it is imperative that we as a community continue to discuss and practice safety when navigating these potentially dangerous areas. Our fantastic crosswalk attendants play a vital role in both guiding us across our...
Science Buddies Engineering, Rubber Band Challenge – Thank you!
Well, what an amazing week! Every lunchtime, and even some recesses, this week we have had over 20 teams of students from years 3 to 5 participating in the Rubber Band Car Engineering challenge. All teams were in the 'groove' demonstrating amazing flow as they...
The Resilience Project – Emotional Literacy
Working on our emotional literacy gives us opportunities to develop our ability to understand and express different emotions. When we improve our emotional literacy, we can work towards recognising our own feelings and our ability to manage them. This allows us to...
Swimming Carnival Gallery
Check out all of the action from our 2024 Swimming Carnival! [gallery...
CPS Carpark Rules
Just a message to share our CPS Carpark Rules with new families (and a reminder for old)! The school recognises the heavy amounts of traffic, particularly at school pick-up, around the entries to our Cromarty Rd carparks and have been working closely with local...
Department Vacation Leave Policy
20th Sculptures by the Sea
With the wonderful Sculptures by the School returning very soon, Mrs Cockerill is encouraging our community to get inspired at the 20th Sculpture by the Sea at Cottesloe Beach - which opens on Friday 1 March. You have until Monday 18 March to get down, enjoy the fresh...