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Art News – Term 4 Week 3

Art News – Term 4 Week 3

What’s happening in the Art Studio?  Our Art Room has become a busy pottery space with most classes using ceramic clay as a medium to create art. I really enjoy the reactions from the students when we are using clay. It is such a tactile experience filling room with...

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The Music Review – Term 4 Week 3

The Music Review – Term 4 Week 3

VOICE Senior Choir and HOTNOTES Orchestra at Wembley Downs District Fair  Tomorrow is the exciting day guys - Saturday 28th October  VOICE and HOTNOTES are heading to the Wembley Downs District Fair, Luita St Reserve, Wembley Downs to perform to the community.   Come...

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PBS Update- it’s an exciting one!

PBS Update- it’s an exciting one!

Last Friday we had an exciting Assembly as we were able to put in the final 8 Dojo balls to get our Whole School Celebration Day! The PBS Celebration Day will be Friday 17th November. The day will start very slimy, with a special PBS Assembly. Students will then...

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Art News – Term 4 Week 1

Art News – Term 4 Week 1

What’s happening in the Art Studio?  It is always wonderful to see everyone after a school holiday break and share our experiences and adventures.  I am excited to share with you these wonderfully successful observed drawings from Room Ten. The students chose a...

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Interschool Athletics Carnival    At the end of term 3, a select amount of year 3-6 students competed in our annual Interschool Athletics Carnival at Churchlands Primary School. Everyone that participated should be extremely proud of their efforts on the day. ...

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Date: Thursday 9 November 2023 Time: 6:40pm Venue: Newman College Auditorium Cost: Adults $14 and Kids $17 To Book: TRYBOOKING.COM/CKHWC

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The Music Review – Term 4 Week 1

The Music Review – Term 4 Week 1

VOICE Senior Choir and HOTNOTES Orchestra at Wembley Downs District Fair  At the end of week three, on Saturday 28th October, VOICE and HOTNOTES are performing at the District Fair, Luita St Reserve, Wembley Downs.  Come along to a great event to show your support....

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PBS Update Term 4

PBS Update Term 4

The whole school is working towards a PBS celebration day on Friday week 6. We are nearly there, less than 10 dojo balls to go!  Below are the expected behaviours we are focusing on this term.                    ...

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EALD News – English as an Additional Language or Dialect

EALD News – English as an Additional Language or Dialect

How were your holidays? What did you do during the break? What adventures did you have? Where did you travel to? Who did you visit? What did you eat? How did you feel?  When we share information about something that has already happened, we communicate using the past...

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