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Term 4 Code Camp After School Program

Term 4 Code Camp After School Program

Churchlands Primary School is please to announce that we will be continuing to host Code Camp's Afterschool Coding club on Mondays and Thursdays throughout term 4. The course details are: Class Type: Coding (Years 2-6) Day: Mondays Dates: 16 OCT to 04 DEC Times:...

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STEAM/Science Week

STEAM/Science Week

Thank you to all students, teachers, and families who engaged in this year's CPS STEAM/Science Week! As expected, it was an amazing week with a very high student turnout to the activities, some brilliant solutions to our problem-based challenges and finally it was...

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The Music Review

The Music Review

CPS String Orchestra and HOTNOTES Orchestra at Junior Orchestra Festival  Congratulations and thank you to all the musicians who performed last Sunday at the Orchestra Festival! Both orchestras played extremely well and the adjudication results will be out later next...

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Chaplains Chat – Family Fun

Chaplains Chat – Family Fun

As the end of term is nearing, you may have more opportunity to do something memorable with the family - even if it’s just on the long weekend. Here are a few options…  S&R Blossom Festival; 2/9/23 to the 25/9/23 Daily 9am-4pm; at Walliston, Perth; Entry - Adults...

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Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023

The Premier’s Reading Challenge has now concluded. An outstanding number of books were read and logged by our 138 participating students, the grand total coming in at 2,538! There were 77 students that completed the challenge, with many reading more than the required...

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EALD/ESL News (English as an Additional Language / Dialect) (English as a Second Language) The holidays are near and it’s a great opportunity to explore your local library for some new books. One of the most beneficial ways to support your child’s progress is to read...

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Look what has been happening in the Art Studio this term

Look what has been happening in the Art Studio this term

Yellagonga Noongar, Ngoorgenboro (Herdsman Lake) käip(water) and Djerup (Birds)- Telling story through art  PALS Screen Completed and installed  We are a recipient of the Partnership, Learning, Acceptance and Sharing (PALS) funding and we were awarded $1500 per year...

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Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023

We are now in the final week of the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Remember to log all of your books in this last week. There are currently just over 70 students that have completed the challenge, reading the required 12 books, and there are many more that are very...

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Every year, Highgate Intensive English Centre (IEC) calls for referrals of Pre Primary students to attend Year One at their campus. Currently, parents of eligible students are being contacted for an initial brief discussion about this opportunity and whether they...

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Book Week 2023

Book Week 2023

Book week kicked off with a bang, with the dress up parade first thing on Monday morning. It was wonderful to see the many students and staff that participated and shared their favourite characters and books. Hats off to the many creative and impressive costumes that...

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