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Keen2STEAM 2022

Keen2STEAM 2022

Next Monday, September 19, Churchlands Primary School will participate in the second annual Churchlands Network Interschool STEAM Challenge – Keen2STEAM. We will be joined by Woodlands and Wembley Primary Schools for a day of critical thinking and problem solving, in...

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PE Update Term 3 Week 7

PE Update Term 3 Week 7

CPS Athletics Carnival 2022  We were blessed by the weather Gods over our three days of the carnival, with some absolutely stunning weather. It was great to see the ‘Churchlands Way’ in full swing through every year level.   Congratulations to all CPS students for...

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Setting up Routines Part 2: How to do it 

Setting up Routines Part 2: How to do it 

Hi everyone,   Last entry, I talked a bit about the value of family routines as a powerful way to automatise some of the daily grind; to reduce friction and frustration, increase predictability and security, and free up energy for quality family time. In this entry, I...

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What’s happening in the Art Studio Week 5

I am sorry I haven’t added to the last newsletters as I have been on leave, but plenty of projects have been created and explored in my absence. The Arts programme continues without me as it should. Year Two Room Five Mrs Samsa’s students have looked at symmetry in...

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2022 Science / STEAM Week

2022 Science / STEAM Week This week at CPS we celebrated another engaging National Science / CPS STEAM week with a whole host of events and activities! While this year's National Science Week theme of 'Glass - More than meets the eye' was an interesting lens to...

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French Mini Book Competition

French Mini Book Competition

During Book Week, our Year 5 and 6 French students were challenged to create a mini book in which they described, in French, and designed a front cover for, their favourite book or comic. The standard of the students’ work was incredible and made Mr Johnson’s task of...

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Lapathon 2022

Lapathon 2022

Last Friday we were absolutely blessed to have the sun shine through for the 2022 Lapathon! It was another fantastic event, so well planned and organised by our amazing P & C, where our students not only got to raise money for the school but have an awesome time...

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Setting up Routines Part 1: Why do it?

Setting up Routines Part 1: Why do it?

Hi everyone,    This week, I wanted to go deeper into the nuts and bolts of setting up a smoother day-to-day experience in the home. Last entry, we talked about the importance of family rules, as a kind of stable, predictable structure that helps us and our kids feel...

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Setting up Good Family Rules

Setting up Good Family Rules

Effective family rules are the foundation of a healthy, thriving family. A family is like a mini-society, and the more clearly the rules are understood – the more carefully they are followed by everyone in the family – the stronger the stability and security that...

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Book Week Parade 2022

Book Week Parade 2022

We have had a wonderful week exploring this year's Book Week theme of 'Dreaming with Eyes Open'! Students have been treated to magical activities and wonderful readings throughout the week. Well done to all the students who went to the effort to dress up today (also...

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