Latest News
Churchlands Primary School – Book Week 2023
21 – 25 August Monday 21 August: Dress up as your favourite character Various activities throughout the week – Staff reading sessions, Author visits, Sharing reading across the school.
Thank you to Bunnings Innaloo for their generous donation of $150.00. This money will assist in our vegetable planting for the Eco Shed. Bunnings has been a long-standing partner at CPS. They have assisted our school over many years and we greatly appreciate their...
Week 5 – CPS Athletics Carnival – Monday 14 August (Jumps and Throws), Tuesday 15 August (middle distance FINAL) & Wednesday 16 August (Carnival Day). Week 9 – Interschool Athletics Carnival (Year 3-6) – Wednesday 13 September - CPS Hosting Monday 14 August –...
2023 WAGSMS Concert
Free Dress Day for Solar Buddy
On Friday the 23rd of June, the student councillors ran a free dress day to raise money for solar buddies. They raised $606.55. The students came in costumes, PJs and casual clothes, and brought a gold coin with them. Solar buddies is a program that supports children...
PE News – Interschool Cross Country and Upcoming events Term 3
Interschool Cross Country On Wednesday 21 June, 42 Churchlands Primary School students set off to compete in our annual Interschool Cross Country, down at City Beach...
PBS Update Term 2 Week 9
The final focus for this term is We do our best and participate in all activities. Students have referenced the latest Bluey episode ‘Cricket’ when Rusty keeps trying and practices his cricket skills frequently to reach his personal best. It is important to remember...
The Music Review – Upcoming CHUMT 2023
Keen2STEAM Challenge
Last Friday, 16 CPS students from years 3-6 joined Mt Claremont, Rosalie, Floreat Park, Sorrento and Wembley Primary Schools to...
Keen2STEAM 2023
Next Friday, 16 students from years 3-6 will spend the day at Churchlands Senior High School competing in the annual Keen2STEAM interschool challenge against 5 other primary schools. Working collaboratively in groups of 4, they will learn about climate change and its...