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2022 Containers for Change Collection Drive

2022 Containers for Change Collection Drive

Wow! We have reached 78% of our $1000 C4C fundraising goal for 2022. Thanks to your generous contributions 68% of the funds raised so far this year were during the recent Containers for Change collection drive. That’s a whopping $530.70 raised in just 10 days!   5363...

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EALD/ESL News Week 9

Can you believe it’s the end of term already? We’ve grown our confidence, built on our range of vocabulary, expanded our sentences and checked for accuracy. We’ve decoded words, read texts and discussed the story, characters and setting. We’ve sung songs, played games...

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2022 Interschool Cross Country

2022 Interschool Cross Country

On Wednesday 15 June, 44 Churchlands Primary School students set off to compete in our annual Interschool Cross Country, down at City Beach Football Oval.  With expected showers forecast for the day, our runners were prepared for some wet weather running.  Lucky for...

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The Art Room Week 7

The Art Room Week 7

Please click on the links below for more information about various exhibitions happening around Perth. Tom Malone Prize 2022 - 3 June - 31 July 2022 The West Australian Pulse 2022 - 20 April - 24 July 2022 After Hours Tour of Collective Ground with Tui Raven - 6-7 pm,...

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The Music Review – Week 7

The Music Review – Week 7

Symphony Orchestra excursion   Yesterday both school orchestras travelled to the Perth Concert Hall to see WASO in rehearsal with their conductor ASHER FISCH preparing BRUCKNER’s 3rd Symphony for a Friday night performance. Although it was a wet start, the excursion...

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Library News Week 7 – National Simultaneous Storytime

Library News Week 7 – National Simultaneous Storytime

This term we joined in with National Simultaneous Storytime 2022. The event is in its 22nd year and this year’s book was a beautiful book about uniting family and community called ‘Family Tree’  Here at CPS we decided to create our own ‘Family Tree’ with leaves signed...

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PBS Update Week 7

Congratulations to Room 12 for having the most Dojo Points for week 5&6. It was great to see all Churchlands students collaborating and cooperating together.  Week 7&8 Focus Skill - We Participate and Use Active Listening.  What this looks like at...

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Sustainability News Week 6

Sustainability News Week 6

CPS is holding a Containers 4 Change class competition throughout this week and finishing on 16th June.  The money raised will go to purchasing solar buddy lights. Students in year 5 will be part of the process of putting these lights together. They are then sent to a...

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EALD (English as an Additional Language/Dialect) Week 7

EALD (English as an Additional Language/Dialect) Week 7

What a wonderful long weekend! Whatever you did, I hope that you and your children are feeling relaxed, recharged and refreshed. Many parents have asked me what they can do to support their children at home. Reading still remains one of the most powerful tools to...

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What’s happening in the Art Studio – Week 5

What’s happening in the Art Studio – Week 5

The year three and four students have been exploring Wild Things and are developing their hand puppets with heaps of madcap character and raucous wildness. We can’t wait to bring them to life with Mrs Idle in Drama.  Room 13 created encouraging banners to use during...

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