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What’s happening in the art room 

What’s happening in the art room 

Sculpture by the School 2023  After a term of sculpture, looking at form by building art in three dimensions, it was so great to see all our artist’s creativity and dedication on display around the school yesterday. The classes installed their creations as an artist...

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2023 Sculptures by the School Gallery

2023 Sculptures by the School Gallery

Check out the amazing creativity and colour from this year's Sculpture by the School! It was fantastic to see this amazing event back. Thank you to Mrs Cockerill for her tireless efforts in coordinating and inspiring our young artisits, and also to those students and...

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2023 CPS ANZAC Day Assembly

2023 CPS ANZAC Day Assembly

The CPS ANZAC Assembly will be held on Wednesday 26th April (First day of term 2) at 2pm. As part of our ceremony, we like to invite any parents or family who has served or is currently serving, as special guests. If you are interested in attending the assembly in...

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World Autism Month 2023 

World Autism Month 2023 

April is World Autism Month.  At CPS we share our lives with many unique individuals. April is all about getting to know and understand the people who make up our wonderful community, and acknowledging the strengths, achievements and uniqueness of people with...

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EALD News Week 9

EALD News Week 9

EALD News (English as an Additional Language / Dialect)   What a wonderful term it has been!  With a busy start identifying eligible students for our EALD school census data, we’ve all settled in well to support sessions. Eligible students receive either in-class...

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2023 Fluor Challenge!

2023 Fluor Challenge!

Last week we hosted the 2023 fluor challenge in the undercover area, with teams from years 3-6 teams nominating to participate. We had a great level of interest and during the event, all students worked to the best of their ability and cooperated beautifully. The...

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PE Update Week 7

Key Dates:  Week 8: Wednesday 22 March CPS Swimming Carnival at CSHS (Year 3-6 ONLY)  Week 10: Wednesday 5 April – Interschool Swimming Carnival at HBF Stadium (Year 4-6 ONLY)    Swimming Carnival 2023 – Wednesday 22 March from 9:30am at Churchlands Senior High...

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What’s Happening in the Art Room – Week 7

What’s Happening in the Art Room – Week 7

What’s happening in the Art Studio?  SCULPTURE BY THE SCHOOL is happening on Thursday 30 March. Please come along to vote and admire our young artists’ ideas and efforts.  Everyone is thinking, designing, enjoying, and making sculpture. Each class is developing their...

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