Latest News
What’s Happening in the Art Room
With boundless joy, I welcomed my beautiful artists to the Art Studio for 2023. Happily, everyone enthusiastically started sharing ideas, creating, and sparking their imaginations. Busy minds and some messy hands were creating art. I have the best job. The new 2023...
Music Information and Timetables Semester 1, 2023
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Safer Internet Day 2023
2022 CPS Award Winners & 2023 Leadership Positions
Congratulations to this year's CPS Book Award recipients. 2022 ACADEMIC AWARDS Year 1: Emma C, Alex Y Year 2: Emma H, Isaac L Year 3: Emilia B, Damon S Year 4: Tysen B, Zoey C Year 5: Edeline T, Drew R 2022 ENDEAVOUR AWARDS ECE U1: Madison C, Evan Z ECE U2: Eve...
From the School Psychologist – Building Resilience
Hi everyone, Here we are in Week 9, rushing toward the end of the school year. As this will be my last article, I want to wish you all a happy holiday break and to thank you for reading these articles I have prepared for you over the course of the year. I am afraid...
PBS Celebration Day 2022
Last Friday, Churchlands Primary had their first PBS Celebration day and it was just awesome! The day celebrated all the positive success CPS has had over the last year implementing the PBS framework. A big thanks must go to all the students for working hard to...
Christmas Concerts – Photo Gallery
Year 3 & 4 Drama Performances ...
2023 Student Councillor Voting & Awards and Leadership Assembly
This week our year 5 leadership hopefuls presented their case at the annual Councillor Speech assembly. 17 students nominated to be school leaders next year and both staff and students were impressed by the high-quality speeches. On Tuesday the Australian Electoral...
Consequence Strategy Spotlight: Quiet-Time, Time-Out
Hi everyone, It’s already the second half of Term 4! As we speed toward the end of the year, I thought it would be a good time to discuss a common strategy for managing inappropriate behaviour: Quite-time and time-out. Though time-out is a term familiar to many, the...