Latest News
Why school attendance matters
Regular attendance at school is fundamental to student learning Our goal is to ensure every student in Western Australia has the opportunity to gain an education and achieve their full potential. Attending school is a critical foundation for unlocking this...
BMN 2022 Gallery
Scitech Challenges
SciTech Challenges Over the last couple of weeks, our CPS STEAM representative teams have enjoyed challenging and engaging excursions when attending their...
PE News and Updates Week 5
Interschool Tennis Carnival – Red Ball Smash For the first time, CPS participated in the Red Ball Smash Interschool Competition, at Wembley Downs Tennis Club. The event was run by Tennis WA, and the focus of the event was on participation and having fun in a tennis...
Positive Behaviour Change Part 4: Using Consequences Effectively
Hi all, In the last few entries, we have discussed the way rewards and descriptive praise (positive consequences) can be used to support building new behaviours. Today, I wanted to delve into the other half of the story: negative consequences; and how to use these...
Dress up for Solar Buddy!
Check out all of the 'A-listers' as they dressed up and donated to a great cause - the 2022 Solar Buddy program. For more info on the Solar Buddy program click here. [gallery...
Positive Behaviour Change Part 3: Using Reward Charts Effectively
Hi everyone, Welcome to the third part of our series on positive behaviour change. In part 1, we looked at the general approach and intentions that form the foundations of all effective behaviour management approaches. In part 2, we looked at the central importance of...
PBS Update Week 3
We started term 4 revisiting our lunchtime eating and moving around the school expectations. Well done to the following classrooms that reached 500 dojo points. Room 3 Room 4 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Room 16 Room 17 Room 12 ...
Library Latest
We have had an exciting start to the term in the Library, with a new reading tree that has sprouted over the holidays. The children have been enjoying watching the tree grow and are looking forward to being able to cut out their own leaf to add to the tree. There are...
Positive Behaviour Change Part 2: Using Praise and Rewards Effectively
Hi everyone, I hope the school holidays treated you well. This second part of our series on positive behaviour change builds on what was covered in the last newsletter, which mapped out the general approach and set the intentions that sit behind all effective...