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Coder Dojo & Scitech Challenge

Coder Dojo & Scitech Challenge

Coder Dojo - Robotics - Year 3 & 4 This coming week marks the beginning of the Term 4 Coder Dojo - Robotics course for students in years 3 & 4. Thank you to all the students and families who have signed up, it was another sort-after program and I apologise to...

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The Music Review T4 Wk1

The Music Review T4 Wk1

Big Music Night 2022  We are proud to announce this year’s annual Churchlands Primary School Big Music Night (BMN) will be held at the Newman College Marist Auditorium on Thursday, November 10; the performance starts at 6:55pm.   As usual, the evening will be hosted...

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PE News and Updates Week 1

Interschool Athletics Carnival   At the end of term 3, a select amount of year 3-6 students competed in our annual Interschool Athletics Carnival at Kapinara Primary School. Everyone that participated should be extremely proud of their efforts on the day.  Throughout...

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Sustainability News

Sustainability News

Last week the whole school attended an excursion at Herdsman Discovery Centre. The excursion was called Noogenboro Kudajin Boodja and the focus of the excursion was on Aboriginal culture. Students really loved participating in the smoking ceremony: A traditional...

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R U OK Day/ PBS Update

R U OK Day/ PBS Update

Last week was R U OK Day. It is a national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask “ Are you ok?” and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be having a hard time.   CPS...

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Keen2STEAM 2022

Keen2STEAM 2022

Next Monday, September 19, Churchlands Primary School will participate in the second annual Churchlands Network Interschool STEAM Challenge – Keen2STEAM. We will be joined by Woodlands and Wembley Primary Schools for a day of critical thinking and problem solving, in...

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PE Update Term 3 Week 7

PE Update Term 3 Week 7

CPS Athletics Carnival 2022  We were blessed by the weather Gods over our three days of the carnival, with some absolutely stunning weather. It was great to see the ‘Churchlands Way’ in full swing through every year level.   Congratulations to all CPS students for...

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