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The Music Review Week 5
The Music Review Symphony Orchestra excursion parent helpers As both orchestras will attend a concert held at the Perth Concert Hall to see WASO perform, Mr Howesmith requires 2 parent helpers to attend for supervision. Any orchestra parents available in Week 7,...
Cross Country 2022 Gallery
PBS Update Week 5
PBS- Update- Term 2 so far… The current focus skill at CPS is We are collaborative and cooperative. This is how we show our school value: ENGAGE. It is important to work as a team and know how to work with others. Week 1 and 2 focus skills- Transitions and...
New CPS Ninja Playground
What’s happening in the Art Studio Week 3
All the classes have enjoyed experimenting with shape and colour and cooperating with their fellow artists in the most amazing art class at Churchlands Primary. It makes my day so special to see the enthusiasm, awe and wonder that my young artists express. This term...
The Music Review Week 3
The Cup Song Challenge- fun was had by all The cup song challenge for years 3 and 4 was held this week, and today all performers are receiving a prize. Those with the highest skills will receive BIGGER prizes……. Thanks to years 5 and 6 - those brave few who came...
Sustainability News Week 3
And the WINNER IS ……….... Thank you for all the input suggestions for the renaming of the 9R shed. The new name is The Eco Shed Here is how the voting went: [pdf-embedder...
Well, it’s that time of year again when our school seriously starts talking about walking! Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking...
I would just like to take the time to thank both the students and teachers for their maturity and engagement when participating in this year's NAPLANs. All classrooms were cool, calm and collected as we completed the planned timetable this week. Please note that due...
EALD – English as an Additional Language or Dialect Week 1
Welcome to Term 2! I hope your holiday break was filled with fun and adventures but also time for relaxation, and of course, reading! For those families who celebrated Easter, I hope it was a wonderful time with family and chocolate. Wishing our Muslim families a...