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The Music Review – CHUMT Show 2021

The Music Review – CHUMT Show 2021

The Churchlands Primary School Music Talent Show is on this term and sign-up sheets are filling up fast. The auditions for Yr 1 and 2 will be held in weeks 7 and 8 during their class music times. Yr 3-6's will have scheduled auditions during recess and lunchtimes on...

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Week 4 P.E. News and Events

Week 4 P.E. News and Events

Coming Up…… Week 5 – Wednesday 19 May – CPS Cross Country Week 4, 5, and 6 – Interschool fixtures for netball, soccer, and football Week 10 – Wednesday 23 June – Interschool Cross Country. Cross Country 2021 The CPS Cross Country is next week and the kids have been...

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Lego Masters Week 2 Results and Week 3 Challenge

Lego Masters Week 2 Results and Week 3 Challenge

The winners this week were... Junior Winner - Neo from Pre-primary, Room 3. Senior Winner - Yannick from Year 3, Room 16. Congratulations!  All entries can be found in the gallery below. Term 2, Week 3 Challenge: Design and build a ROBOT!  Email your entry to...

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Sculptures by the School and News from the Art Room

Sculptures by the School and News from the Art Room

Yesterday we held our much-awaited Sculpture by the School. The school grounds were an explosion of color, forms, and movement as more than 70 homemade sculptures and hundreds of school-made sculptures were installed around the Art’s Pavilion, gardens, and Nature...

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2021 Swimming Carnival & Sports News

2021 Swimming Carnival & Sports News

What’s Happening in Term 2 Week 5 – Wednesday 19 May – CPS Cross Country Week 4, 5 and 6 – Interschool fixtures for netball, soccer and football Week 10 – Wednesday 23 June – Interschool Cross Country. Swimming Carnival 2021 What a wonderful start to term 2 with the...

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2021 CPS ANZAC Assembly

2021 CPS ANZAC Assembly

Thank you to all who attended our 2021 ANZAC Assembly. With the unfortunate events last weekend, we were extremely lucky to be able to hold our ceremony. Special thanks go out to our invited guests,...

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Assembly Term 1 Week 7

Assembly Term 1 Week 7 We would like to thank everyone for contributing to our Harmony Day celebrations. It was wonderful to see the colour and culture on display on our fantastic Harmony Arch. Harmony Week is very special at Churchlands Primary...

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Harmony Day – Harmony Arch

Harmony Day – Harmony Arch

Churchlands Primary School invites you to contribute to our HARMONY ARCH To symbolise the rich cultural diversity of our school community, we invite each and every member of our school to contribute. WHEN: Starting next week on Monday 15 March. WHERE: The arch can be...

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2021 Fluor Challenge

2021 Fluor Challenge

Congratulations to all students who took part in this year's Fluor Challenge! The brief outlined that students needed to create a tower - as high as...

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Clean Up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia Day

Today CPS students gave up their own time during their Xtra-Lunch to give back to the community and do their part for Clean Up Australia Day. All classrooms scoured the school grounds and...

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