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PE News Week 1
What’s Happening in Term 2 Week 5 – Wednesday 25 May – CPS Cross Country Week 5, 6 and 7 – Interschool fixtures for netball, soccer and football Week 8 – Wednesday 15 June – Interschool Cross Country Interschool Swimming Carnival In Week 10 of Term 1, the CPS...
2022 Year 6 Business Fair
The Year 6 Business Fair is next Tuesday 3rd May. Hooray!!! This is a very much anticipated event for the whole school. In Term One the Year 6 students chose a business to run and wrote a detailed business plan. Now it is time to put all their hard work into action....
Term 2 Coder Dojo
With restrictions lifting this week, we are looking to get our Coder Dojo class back on track! This term we will be inviting senior students (Years 5 & 6) to join as the preparations for the 2022 Robocup Jr need to get underway. Classes will be held directly after...
ANZAC Day Ceremony
On the last day of term 1, CPS commemorated ANZAC Day with its annual ANZAC Ceremony. While this year's restrictions meant that it was a student and staff only event, it did not detract from the quality of and meaning of reflection demonstrated by all who attended....
What’s happening in the Art Room Week 9
Here are some samples of Easter creativity from our Pre Primary and Year 2 students [gallery...
Sustainability News Week 9
Worms, worms, worms This week two new worm farms arrived for the 9R shed. The worm farms are used to house over 15,000 worms. These worms eat our vegetable scraps from the canteen and they are very important for helping reduce our waste to landfill. Thank you to Chloe...
The Music Review Week 9
The Cup Song Challenge The Cup Song Challenge - Years 3 and 4 is to be held early next term. Next week, we will be having a Year 5 and 6 Cup Song Challenge. Come along to learn the cup song if you don’t know it, or get better if you do…. Sign up on the Cup Song...
EALD English as an Additional Language or Dialect Week 9
Wow! Our Harmony Flowers canvas is finished and it looks amazing! Bravo to all students involved in this project. Did you see some of our Churchlands kids in The Post newspaper? Also, lots of pictures were posted on Seesaw of students in action making their flowers...
PE News and Updates Week 9
Swimming Carnival 2022 Years 3-6 What a wonderful day we had at the CPS swimming carnival on Wednesday 23 March. All the year 3 -6 students from CPS packed their bags and made the trek down to Churchlands Senior High School. It was a different atmosphere than in...
2022 Year 3 – 6 Swimming Carnvial Photo Gallery