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Sustainabillity News Week 7
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2022 ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICERS Ava E Kavya K Saanvi N Angelina LL Lachie D Makayla M Selina Q Obie M Zane T Chloe McD Emelyn R Abigail M Anastasia A Becca P Kelly S Lara S Stella A Jack P Edeline T Darcy L James D Jesse S ...
2022 Fluor Challenge
This week we hosted the 2022 fluor challenge in the undercover. Year threes, fours, fives and sixes competed. Everybody worked to the best of their ability and cooperated beautifully. Their challenge was to make a ball run with specific dimensions and limited...
The Music Review Week 7
VOICE performing at ANZAC Ceremony in full uniform Although our ANZAC Ceremony will not include parents, and students will stay indoors, the ceremony will still take place, with VOICE performing I Still Call Australia Home. *** ALL VOICE MEMBERS *** Please...
Be an eSafe Kid: A better internet starts with you
As part of the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, today, students from Churchlands Primary school participated in another national webinar where they discussed and learned about how their actions and words can make the internet a better place for...
PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) Update Week 7
Focus skill Weeks 7 & 8- We are responsible for all property (RESPECT). What this looks like at CPS Putting iPads in the correct place. Putting own lunchbox and hat in your bag. Tidying up the classroom collaboratively. Turning off taps on the drink...
Harmony Week: ESL/EALD Update Week 7
Happy Harmony Week! “The week runs from 15–21 March every year and encourages everyone to experience, explore and appreciate WA's wealth of cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity.” As a school, this is a great opportunity to acknowledge our diverse...
PE News and Updates Week 7
Swimming Carnival 2022 – Wednesday 23 March The structure of this year’s swimming carnival is as follows; In each race, there will be TWO swimmers per faction Each race is allocated the same amount of points for the overall team totals Each race is timed and...
What’s happening in the Art Room Week 7
Art is more than just crafts. Art is deep. Art is human. Art class is a place to tap into that core humanity and explore the stories we all share, as well as the stories that are unique. Art touches every person and every other subject. History, math, science, and...
PE News & Updates Week 5
Key Dates: Week 8: Wednesday 23 March CPS Swimming Carnival at CSHS Week 8: Thursday 24 March – Mark Lee Academy Soccer Tournament -POSTPONED Week 10: Wednesday 6 April – Interschool Swimming Carnival at HBF Stadium Running Club COVID RESTRICTIONS APPLY What a...
CPS netball registrations are now open!
Years 2/3 (4.10 pm) and 4/5 (5.05 pm or 6 pm) will play Friday afternoons from May 6 to August 19. Fees are $204.01 for the winter season. Year 5 (8 am) and 6 (9 am)Junior competitions will be played on Saturday mornings from May 7 to August 20. Fees are $206.82 for...