Latest News
Sustainability News
CHICKEN NEWS A big thank you to Natalie Britz who has worked behind the scenes to ensure our chickens are fed over the weekends and during the school holidays. This is Natalie’s last year at the school (Kyle, her son will be moving to high school in 2022) so we are...
The Music Review
CROWN THEATRE - VOICE Congratulations to our VOICE Senior Choir on an outstanding night at Crown Theatre. All photos and videos from the event are available to view and/or purchase at this website. To access the...
EALD / ESL (English as an Additional Language / Dialect) (English as a Second Language) Thanks for the warm welcome back to school after taking extended leave this term to recover from back surgery. It has been wonderful to see all the students again and note their...
2021 Learning Journey
This week it was fantastic to welcome back the CPS community to another Learning Journey after missing out in 2020, and from all accounts, all involved were very happy to celebrate the occasion. It was wonderful to see so many families attend this event and have the...
Year 6 Councillor Fundraiser – Dress up as someone you admire day!
To continue our support of our SolarBuddy initiative, the Year 6 Councillors will be hosting a fundraising event on Thursday 16th September. This year's theme is: Dress up as someone you admire! Students are encouraged to dress up as anyone they look up to and could...
CPS Athletics Carnival 2021
We were blessed by the weather Gods over our two days of the carnival, with some absolutely stunning weather. It was great to see the ‘Churchlands Way’ in full swing through every year level. Congratulations to all CPS students for “being awesome” and excelling in all...
Sustainability News
On Tuesday evening 24th August, voluntary Environmental Officers attended a Subiaco Rotary meeting. The Rotary Club donated $2,500 to cover the cost of the Quairading Camp. This community partnership is fostered at CPS and greatly valued by our school community. The...
2021 Science / STEAM Week
Well, that is CPS/Science week for another year! It was fantastic to see so many students passionate about exploring the 'how and why' things work in our world. While our main theme this year is the ongoing study of our frog pond habitat, we didn't miss the...
Lapathon 2021
What spectacular weather we had for the Lapathon on Friday! Very big thank you to so many people P & C for organising Parents for their wonderful help and assistance Volunteers who supported our community event Mr Marshall for being an amazing MC! Mr Howesmith for...
CPS Book Week 2021
So many books, so many readers here at Churchlands Primary. This year at CPS, we celebrated Book week 2 – 6 August. We had a variety of worlds created around the school for the students to discover, explore and imagine based on the theme Old Worlds, New Worlds and...