Latest News
Edudance Concerts
Please enjoy our Edudance Concert videos. All participating students did an amazing job and it was great to see their hard work paying off. Well done students, it was great fun! Please enjoy. A huge thank you goes out to Jess and Jo from Edudance who did a fantastic...
The Music Review
CHUMT SHOW 2021 Just in – the results of the CHUMT Show…. Although we are not announcing places until Fridays’ assembly next week. The children listed below are performing in the FINALE! ACT No. RM YR NAME ...
Interschool Cross Country
Check out all the action from the 2021 Interschool Cross Country event on the Wednesday, 24 June.
This year our Coder Dojo classes have been working hard in preparation for our annual Robotics competitions. The years 3 & 4s have been discovering how to code Photon robots to compete in the 3rd Annual CPS Robo-Showdown, while our senior students have been...
Sustainability News
FROG POND Thank you to Bunnings in Innaloo for their generous donation of equipment and labour to build the new frog pond outside the junior wet area. This...
Inaugural Keen2STEAM Interschool Challenge
On Thursday 17 June, Churchlands Primary School organised and hosted the very first Churchlands Network Interschool STEAM Challenge – Keen2STEAM 2021. Woodlands and Wembley Primary Schools joined CPS on a day of critical thinking and problem solving, with students...
Raining on the Rock
As part of our WA Day Celebrations, Mr Howesmith lead the whole school in performing 'Raining on the Rock' by John Williamson. Enjoy.
City of Stirling – Tree Planting and Partnerships
On Wednesday the Environmental officers went on a tree excursion to plant native trees around the suburb of Churchlands. In spite of the cold wet weather, we managed to plant all the trees required. This was followed by a delicious morning tea. Thank you to Stirling...
PBS at CPS-update
The Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) team is 6 months into our journey implementing the framework so we thought it was time for an update. What is PBS? A framework for enhancing, adopting and implementing a continuum of evidence based interventions to achieve social...
DUCKs @ Claremont Therapeutic Riding Centre
Claremont Therapeutic Riding Centre (CTRC) provides horse riding for therapy, sport, recreation and training for children and adults of all abilities. With a focus on inclusion and participation, CTRC is striving to provide the best facilities, horses and well-trained...