Latest News
COVID-19 Update – Start of School Monday 8.2.2021
School closed 1 to 5 February
Due to 5 day COVID-19 lockdown restrictions for Perth, Peel and South-West, our school will be closed from Monday, 1 February to Friday, 5 February. This is an extension of the school holidays and no lessons or supervision will be provided. Our teachers and staff...
2021 Classlists
Happy new year everyone, we hope you all have had very enjoyable and relaxing holidays! Please note that the 2021 class lists will be communicated on Friday 29 January, around 9 am, via the Skoolbag application. If you have not yet downloaded and registered with the...
2020 Christmas Concert Gallery
Christmas Concert Reminder
Good afternoon everyone, Just a final reminder for our Christmas Concert on this evening. Students dropped to their classroom: 5.30pm Concert starts: 5.45pm Please make sure that all attending have registered through the following link:...
Assembly Term 4 Week 8
Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Congratulations to our award winners! Thanks again to the STEAM team for another great job in the production.
2020 Christmas Concert
It is great news to announce that the 2020 CPS Christmas Concert will be going ahead at this stage. It is obviously subject to change if our COVID-19 situation changes. Also due to the continuation of COVID-19 planning there are a few common requirements to make the...
Assembly Term 4 Week 6
Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Congratulations to our award winners and the very first RoboCup Jr competitors. You have represented the school magnificently, fantastic work! Thanks again to the STEAM team for another great job in the...
RoboCup Jr
Last Friday, 10 students from year's 5 & 6 represented the school for the very first time at the RoboCup Jr. The event is an...
Virtual Assembly Term 4, Week 4
Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Congratulations to our BEBRAS award winners. You have represented the school magnificently, fantastic work! Also, don't forget tickets are still available for next Thursday's BMN! See the website post for...