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The Big Music Night is scheduled for Thursday week 5, 12 November, and is to be held at Newman college Marist Auditorium. Due to continuing Phase 4 Covid we have only been able to extent to 60 percent capacity at the venue. All the school community is now invited....

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Term 4, Week 2 Virtual Assembly

Term 4, Week 2 Virtual Assembly

Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Thanks to the students, families and P&C for their contributions to our Lapathon and raffle this year! It was an amazing result and we thank you all for your outstanding support. Thanks again to the...

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Skoolbag School Communication App – No more FlexiSchools

Skoolbag School Communication App – No more FlexiSchools

As you would be aware, we were recently forced to change our whole-school communication platform from Flexibuzz to Flexischool due to the former discontinuing at the beginning of the term. Although we have been able to circulate our messages, we have experienced a...

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Virtual Assembly, Term 3 Week 10

Virtual Assembly, Term 3 Week 10

Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Thanks to the STEAM Team, Year 6s, and Music leaders for finishing off the term with style! It was a wonderful celebration of some great events happening this term. Thanks again to the STEAM team for...

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2020 3/4 Robotics Competition

2020 3/4 Robotics Competition

This term, students from Years 3 to 6 have been working hard on their coding skills in preparation for this year’s CPS Robo Showdown. This year, 5 teams made it to competition day – and the level of teamwork and technology skills on display was impressive. The...

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2020 Year 6 Musical – What a Knight!

2020 Year 6 Musical – What a Knight!

First of all, on behalf of all the year six students at Churchlands primary school, we would like to thank all of the parents and the P&C for helping out all of the kids and staff for the musical, they all gave up their time and effort to help out for this musical...

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Lego Masters Grand Final

Lego Masters Grand Final

Congratulations to this week’s Lego Masters Grand final winners! This week’s winners are: The grand final winner for Kindy to Yr 1 is Smahi, PrePrimary Room ECE1 The grand final winner for Yrs 2 to Yr 4 is Samik, Year 2, Room 4 The grand final winner for Yrs 5 and 6...

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2020 Lapathon(s)

2020 Lapathon(s)

Last week saw the return of the P & C organised CPS lapathon. Although sessions were split over 2 days due to COVID-19, the weather was great and students put in their best efforts, running laps with excitement and style! The oval was abuzz with colour and smiles...

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Lego Masters Week 8

Lego Masters Week 8

Congratulations to this week’s Lego Masters Challenge winners! This week's winners are: Kindy to Yr 1 is Shaun in PrePrimary Yrs 2, 3 and 4 is Emalyn in Yr 3 Yrs 5 and 6 is Oisin in Yr 5 This week’s challenge is…. ...

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Virtual Assembly, Term 3 Week 8

Virtual Assembly, Term 3 Week 8

Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Thanks to the STEAM Team and Music leaders for putting on an amazing show! It was definitely one to remember and a fantastic way to finish the week! Thanks again to the STEAM team for another great job in...

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