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Lego Masters Week 8 Challenge and Winners
Congratulations to this week’s Lego Masters Challenge winners! The K-1 winner is Neo in Mikaela in Kindy. Yrs 2, 3 and 4 winner is Emalyn in Yr 3. Yrs 5 and 6 winner is Oisin in Yr 5. This week’s challenge...
Lego Masters Week 7 Challenge and Winners
Congratulations to this week’s Lego Masters Challenge winners! The K-1 winner is Neo in Kindy Blue. Yrs 2, 3 and 4 winner is Nikhil in Room 1. This week’s challenge is….
2020 CPS Bilingual Book Reading Series
Join Mrs Key and other parents and teachers as they read some of our favourite picture books bilingually! Thank you to the parents who volunteered their time and beautiful reading voices. It is wonderful to see our rich and diverse community in action. Enjoy. CPS...
Virtual Assembly – Term 3 Week 6
Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Thanks to the Environmental leaders for sharing some great messages and support through your Sustainability quiz! Thanks again to the STEAM team for another great job in the production....
Sports Carnival – Videos / FINAL SCORES
Congratulations to all students who represented their factions proudly during this year's athletics carnival. We were extremely lucky with the weather and every day ran more smoothly than the last. It was wonderful to see students applying themselves both athletically...
Lego Masters Week 6 Challenge and Winners
Congratulations to this week’s Lego Masters Challenge winners! The K-1 winner is Smahi in Pre-primary. Yrs 2, 3 and 4 winner is Emalyn in Yr 3. This week’s challenge is….
Lego Masters Week 4 Winners & Week 5 Challenge
Congratulations to this week's Lego Masters Challenge winners! The K-1 winner is is Neo C in Kindy. Yrs 2, 3 and 4 winner is Samik in Yr 2. Yrs 5 and 6 winner is Jayden (Yr 6) and Jocelyn in Yr 4 [gallery...
Virtual Assembly – Term 3 Week 4
Afternoon everyone, please enjoy this week’s virtual assembly. Thanks to the BUZ Rangers for sharing some great strategies to use if others are being mean. Thanks again to the STEAM team for another great job in the production.
Book Week Minecraft Competition 2020
To celebrate book week, all students are invited to enter the Book Week Minecraft Competition where they are challenged to create the setting of their favourite book on Minecraft. For more information see the website below....
CHUMT Show Finals
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Churchlands Primary School CHUMT show this year. It takes amazing bravery and courage to have a go. Well done to all of our finalists… absolutely amazing performances from all performers! Please watch the...