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Term 2 – Drop-off and Pick-up guidelines

Term 2 – Drop-off and Pick-up guidelines

Welcome back to Term 2. Please note that there are additional requirements for parents in regards to dropping off and picking up students, starting from the first day of school. Please find the ‘Taking my child to school guidelines’ and a map showing entry and exit...

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2020 Public School Review

2020 Public School Review

A few weeks ago we had our school review. The review team made up of Director of Public School Review, Gary Crocetta and Principal, Pam Pollard from Victoria Park Primary School, visited the school and met with a variety of people including staff, students, members of...

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2020 Fluor Challenge

2020 Fluor Challenge

Congrats to the participants of the Fluor challenge, all the machines looked amazing! The competition was a great success and everyone had fun, even if they didn’t win. There were loads of...

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Monday Morning Circuit Training Sessions

Monday Morning Circuit Training Sessions

Every Monday the sport captains, with the help of Mr Marshall, have circuit training.  This is where kids come along and do challenging exercises that are fun.  Each sport captain creates a sport activity of their...

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Student Councillor GRIP Leadership Conference

Student Councillor GRIP Leadership Conference

On Friday the 13 of March the CPS Student Councillors went to the GRIP Leadership Conference at the Perth Convention Centre. The topic for this year’s conference was how to Lead the Way. We learnt...

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Screentime Workshop & Expert Advice from Bernie Eastwood

Screentime Workshop & Expert Advice from Bernie Eastwood

Thanks again to all the parents who attended our first parent workshop of the year. It was a great turnout and good to see parents getting proactive when creating positive and healthy environments for our young ones. Thanks also to Bernie Eastwood from The Focal Point...

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Coder Dojo

Coder Dojo If your Year 3-6 child is interested in further developing their coding skills or wants to have a go for the first time, please download the form below, complete it, and return it to the front office by Friday, week 4. Codo...

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