Latest News
Inaugural CPS Rainbow Lapathon The P&C are very excited to announce we will be holding our first ever Rainbow Lapathon this term! The event will take place on Thursday 15th August at 2pm on the school oval. As in previous years this will be a fundraising event where...
Meet Apollo 11 Scientist, Professor Brian O’brien
When: August 23, 9.30am Where: CPS Undercover area As part of our Science week celebrations this year, Churchlands Primary school is very privileged and proud to announce a very special guest speaker. Professor Brian O’brien, a now Adjunct Professor of Physics at the...
SAVE THE DATE!!! ThinkYouKnow Cybersafety Parent Session
Register here! ThinkYouKnow Cybersafety Parent Session ThinkUKnow Australia is a cyber safety education program that educates parents, carers and teachers about how people are using technology, the challenges they may face online, and how to help them overcome these...
Science Week LEGO Competition
Scitech Incursion
Over the past two weeks, classes from Pre-primary to Year 6 have experienced an amazing ‘out of this planet’ experience. As part of our upcoming Science/STEAM week celebrations, Scitech have come to...
Quairading Environmental Camp
Beautiful weather and a group of very eager and excited students was a great start to our annual Quairading tree planting camp held on 26th and 27th July. When we arrived in town, we toured the local school and then...
Thank you to the Churchlands P&C – P & C Day 2019 Today is the first ever P&C DAY WA! We want to take the time to celebrate everything our P&C does every day for our students and the school. The support we have had from our wonderful parents is amazing, from the Creative Play...
CHUMT SHOW 2019 Wrap-up!
Congratulations to all 145 children who entered the show. JUNIOR winners First place Leilah singing Remember Me Second place Makayla and Edeline Dancing and singing to Super Trooper Third place Chloe, Chloe & Scarlett singing and dancing to Old Town Road Fourth...
NETBALL – Teachers vs Students
On Tuesday we witnessed a long term rivalry re-ignite when the Year 6 students took on the might of the CPS staff in a ‘friendly’ game of mixed netball. The weather put on a treat, and with hundreds of enthused and excited fans lining the court, both teams were...
Yirra Yaakin
June has been a dramatic month! Year 1-6 were treated to a delightful play, Djinda Kaatijin, presented by Yirra Yaakin. We followed the adventures of Dwert, Wardong and Weitj as they tried to save the stars from disappearing. This very multicultural story took us to...