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Churchlands Primary School Digital Learning

Churchlands Primary School Digital Learning

To help communicate the rationale behind our ‘learning with technology’ strategies, we are publishing a series of communications that unpack what we are achieving as a school and in the classroom. For information on the rationale behind the strategies, please visit...

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Codo Dojo Semester 2

Codo Dojo Semester 2

Coder Dojo will be returning in Semester 2 2019. We are looking for Year 3 - 6 students who have an interest in developing their computer coding and computational thinking skills. Sessions will be held on Monday’s between 3.15 and 4.15pm. As there are limited places...

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International Luncheon – Friday 7 June

International Luncheon – Friday 7 June

On Friday 7 June we are rebooting our ‘world famous’ International Lunch which celebrates our rich and important cultural diversity. We are asking all children to bring a plate of food (savoury or sweet) that represents their family’s country of origin. To add to our...

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Kindergarten 2020 applications now open.

If your child is due to start Kindergarten next year 2020 or if you have friends or family living in the Churchlands Primary School catchment area please remind them, applications are due in before the closing date 26 July.

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Sculpture by the School and Artsy Animal Art Exhibition

Sculpture by the School and Artsy Animal Art Exhibition

Friday 5 April 2019          SAVE THE DATE On Friday 5 April you are all invited to enjoy the Churchlands student’s Sculpture by the School and the Artsy Animal Art Show. The art show will be open for viewing from 8am until 5pm so please come along to enjoy our...

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Thank you Busy Bees!

Thank you Busy Bees!

On Sunday 17 March we held a very successful busy bee! We had over 40 families present and a lot was achieved. We all had fun getting down and dirty. The 9R shed is such an integral part of our school environment and I would like to thank the families that gave up...

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2019 Swimming Carnival

2019 Swimming Carnival

The swimming carnival last week was also a fantastic event.  The students had the best time participating in the events, cheering on their factions and just having a great time.  A very big thank you to Mr Marshall for organising and our amazing volunteer parents who...

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