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PE News

PE News

Key Dates:  Week 4: Wednesday 21 February – Running Club starts.  Week 8: Tuesday 19 March CPS Swimming Carnival at CSHS - Year 3 – 6 ONLY  Term 2 Week 2: Wednesday 24 April Interschool Swimming Carnival at HBF Stadium - Year 4 – 6 ONLY     Before and After School...

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The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project- GEM  G= Gratitude  Working on gratitude helps us to be thankful and appreciate what we have in our lives, rather than focusing on what we don’t have or what we want. When we practise being grateful, we start to scan the world to look for...

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Sustainability News

Sustainability News

Welcome to the year 5, Environmental Officers that will be part of our sustainability program for 2024. The selected students will be presented with their badges at the assembly on 23rd Feb. All families have been notified if their child has been selected. We have 39...

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Many of our families celebrated the New Lunar Year last weekend. We wish you a positive and prosperous Year of the Dragon. All the best for 2024!  The animal for this year is the iconic dragon, which symbolizes power, prosperity, good fortune, honour and success. It...

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Chaplain’s Chat

Chaplain’s Chat

Dear parents,   This term I will be sharing wellbeing activities for children and parents based on Churchland’s new wellbeing initiative, The Resilience Project, as well as the Zones of Regulation program, also used in the school.  This week’s activity from...

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Art News

Art News

What’s happening in the Art Studio? The 2024 weekly Art Raffle as begun. During class, students are rewarded with raffle tickets to write their name and room number on for being amazing in behaviour, attitude and putting in outstanding effort during art class. Every...

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Coder Dojo – Robocup Jr 2024 – Calling Senior Students

Coder Dojo – Robocup Jr 2024 – Calling Senior Students

Coder Dojo is back for our senior students in 2024! This term we will be inviting Years 5 & 6 students to join as the preparations for the 2024 Robocup Jr need to get underway. Classes will be held directly after school, on Wednesdays, 3-4 pm. If your child is...

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NAPLAN Online is again scheduled for Term 1 this year with our students and teachers in Years 3 and 5 already in preparation for the national assessment between the 13th and 18th of March. (Weeks 7 & 8). [pdf-embedder...

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