The Music Review – Term 2 Week 5

The Music Review T2 Wk5 

CHUMT SHOW 2024 That’s right…. It’s Gonna Get Fruity 

Here is an update 

Audition sign ups have closed for the Churchlands Music Talent (CHUMT) Show  

The auditions will be held in week 6 and 7 with year 1 and 2’s having their auditions in class music time and older children coming at lunch and recess times. Timetables will be out at the end of week 5 or Monday week 6 

Those passing auditions will perform in the semi-final lunch time concerts. Junior (yr 1 2) will be held Thursday week 8, middle primary (yr 3 4) Thursday week 10 and senior division Friday week 10  

Of course, the Finale is on the last day of this term with HOTNOTES and VOICE Senior Choir too. 

Michael Howesmith – Music Specialist 

15 May 2024